
This Iranian study aimed to evaluate the potential beneficial effects of dietary antioxidants on several cardiovascular risk factors in patients waiting for coronary artery bypass surgery. In this study, 454 hospitalized patients aged between 35 and 80 years were involved. Vitamin D levels and other parameters and were measured in blood. Also, the level of antioxidants was calculated by a questionnaire. The results showed, in particular, that male patients with high antioxidant levels who were waiting for bypass surgery had a lower prevalence of high blood pressure (35.1% vs. 45.9%). The study also showed that high levels of antioxidants in this group of patients were associated with lower cholesterol levels and higher vitamin D levels, which means that increased consumption of antioxidants can be considered a potential preventive measure to protect against various risk factors in this group of patients. More details can be found in the study.


Farhangi M.A. and Najafi M.


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