Vitamin D associated with diabetic retinopathy

Summary This study explored the association between advanced diabetes retinopathy (an eye disease caused by high sugar levels) and vitamin D. 889 participants, including patients with diabetic retinopathy and healthy participants, were involved. The results showed that patients with vitamin D deficiency had a significantly higher prevalence of diabetic retinopathy compared to healthy participants with…

Dietary compounds beneficially associated with maternal obesity and inflammation in gestational diabetes

Summary Gestational diabetes, which involves maternal obesity, oxidative stress, and inflammation, is a common pregnancy complication. Several dietary compounds have shown beneficial effects on diabetes and inflammation. Two American research departments summarized knowledge from studies evaluating the associations between nutritional components (including antioxidant vitamins and minerals), maternal obesity, oxidative stress, and inflammation in women with…

Combination of calcium and vitamin D beneficially affects pregnant women with gestational diabetes

Summary To assess the effects of calcium and vitamin D on women with gestational diabetes, 60 participants with this condition received either a combined calcium and vitamin D supplement or a placebo for 6 weeks. In the supplementation group, a significant decrease in cesarean section rate, maternal hospitalization, and hospitalization of newborns were found as…

Dietary supplementation for gestational diabetes prevention and management

Summary This review by the Chinese University of Hong Kong evaluated the efficacy of various dietary supplements on gestational diabetes risk. 53 trials were reviewed with a total of 9443 participants. The researchers’ analysis found that vitamin D and inositol supplementation was particularly successful in reducing the risk of gestational diabetes. Additionally, inositol, probiotics, and…

Women with gestational diabetes have lower vitamin D levels than healthy pregnant women

Summary In the present study, vitamin D levels, inflammation indicators, and glucose (sugar) levels were compared between pregnant women with gestational diabetes and pregnant women with a normal response to glucose sugar. The results included significantly lower vitamin D levels in women with gestational diabetes. A significant negative correlation was also observed between vitamin D…

Vitamin D deficiency and high glucose levels associated with severe diabetic retinopathy

Summary This study, conducted by a Chinese medical university, evaluated the association between vitamin D deficiency and retinopathy severity in diabetic patients. The study used data from several surveys to evaluate associations between retinopathy severity and long-term glucose (HbA1c) levels. The interaction between the regulation of long-term glucose levels, vitamin D deficiency, and retinopathy severity…

The negative impact of micronutrient deficiencies on diabetes and insulin resistance

Summary Vitamins and trace elements are essential for a well-functioning body, and micronutrient deficiencies can lead to widespread health problems. This review, conducted by American research departments, discusses the consequences of micronutrient deficiencies in diabetes and insulin resistance. The level of micronutrients in the human body depends on many factors, like the origin and composition…

The adverse impact of micronutrient deficiencies on diabetes and insulin resistance

Summary Vitamins and trace elements are essential for a well-functioning human body, and micronutrient deficiencies can lead to widespread health problems. This review, conducted by American research departments, discusses the consequences of micronutrient deficiencies in diabetes and insulin resistance. The level of micronutrients in the human body depends on many factors, like the origin and…

Vitamin D supplementation improves pancreatic function in adults at risk of diabetes

Summary This study determined whether vitamin D supplementation improved the function of the pancreas in adults at high risk of diabetes. The pancreasis important for the insulin production and the regulation of blood sugar levels. 92 adults received either vitamin D or calcium for 16 weeks. The researchers found that participants receiving vitamin D supplements…