Independent Library of Nutrition and Natural Health

The Health Library represents an innovative online source of
science-based natural health information

For you

I was diagnosed with

In this section you will find information about common diseases and natural health approaches

Welcome to the Health Library

  • The Health Library represents an innovative online source of science-based natural health information. It comprises a comprehensive selection of scientific studies in the field of nutritional and preventive health, in particular micronutrient research.

  • Scientific discoveries in the field of natural health therapies should be available to everyone, patients and professionals alike. The Health Library promotes this by using a clear structure and understandable language.

  • The Professionals section is dedicated to doctors, natural therapists and other health professionals seeking to include natural health approaches in their daily practice.

  • The section Health Library for you provides the reader with an overview of the available natural health approaches to the most common diseases.

  • We invite you to share this website with colleagues, friends, and people in your community. By doing so, you are making a contribution to building a prevention-oriented health care.