Magnesium decreases frequency of cardiac arrhythmias after bypass surgery

Summary Coronary bypass operation. A coronary bypass operation becomes necessary if one or more coronary arteries have developed severe atherosclerotic deposits that threaten to clog the arteries and cause a heart attack. In order to avoid a heart attack, a coronary bypass operation is frequently performed. Surgically, a bypass is constructed around the atherosclerotic deposits…

Vitamin E prevents re-narrowing of coronary arteries (restenosis) following balloon angioplasty

Summary Coronary bypass operation. A coronary bypass operation becomes necessary if one or more coronary arteries have developed severe atherosclerotic deposits that threaten to clog the arteries and cause a heart attack. In order to avoid a heart attack, a coronary bypass operation is frequently performed. Surgically, a bypass is constructed around the atherosclerotic deposits…