
According to a study conducted by several research departments from the University of Washington, Seattle, and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center of Nashville, USA, coenzyme Q10 beneficially affects highly prevalent oxidative stress markers in hemodialysis patients with end-stage kidney disease. This study aimed to identify a therapy that reduces oxidative stress levels and improves cardiovascular outcomes in this group of patients. 65 hemodialysis patients were divided into three groups: group 1 received 1200 mg/day coenzyme Q10, group 2 received 600 mg/day coenzyme Q10, and the 3rd group of participants received a matching placebo for 4 months. Among others, substances indicating oxidative stress were measured in blood before supplementation and after 1, 2, and 4 months. Supplementation of 1200 mg coenzyme Q10 daily led to reduced levels of oxidative stress compared to the placebo group. More details can be found in the study.


Rivara et al.


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