However, everyone is at risk of bone fractures from a fall, sports activities, or maybe a car accident. All this is more likely to happen to people suffering from a decreased bone strength (osteoporosis). Bone fractures are one of the most painful injuries and require a lengthy recovery time.
The most common bone fracture, especially in active adults and children, is a broken leg, often involving a tibial (or shinbone) fracture. A tibial fracture usually requires a healing time of 12 to 16 weeks. However, this is often delayed due to a high incidence of complications in the patient, requiring strong painkillers.
Collagen fibres and connective tissues form the basic structure of bones. Bones get their stability by the deposition of minerals and trace elements between the connective tissue structure. Without healthy collagen, bone cannot form and function properly. A common perception is that vitamin D and calcium are the only nutrients needed for healthy bones or that they aid in the fracture healing process. However, healthy bone formation depends also on a proper supply of vitamin C, the amino acids lysine and proline, and other collagen supporting micronutrients. Since the human body cannot produce vitamin C and lysine internally, a deficiency of these critical nutrients is very likely and can be further worsened by stress associated with a bone fracture.